Do you have a shelter or dog rescue site?

If you run a dog shelter, rescue site or similar that cares for at risk or less fortunate dogs, and you would like to receive a donation of Biscuit Billy's Biscuits for your dogs, please click here (Australia only)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Billy's Facebook Friends who have received biscuit packs

Biscuit Billy Facebook Giveaways

Billy loves his Facebook friends and often gives aways biscuit packs to his friends all over the world.  Here are some of Billy's friends who have received biscuits.

Prettygirl the Shy Collie Mix
from Missouri, U.S.

Delta & Porsha, Claymore, Australia

Maza from Melbourne, Australia
Rusty from Maryland, Australia

Mercer from Minnesota, US

Double Double from Canada

Holly and Ace from Sydney
Whisper, NSW
Lyka the Red & White Border Collie

Ruby, NSW

Baby, Utah

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Meet our official taste testers

Meet our friends who taste test Biscuit Billy biscuits …

Head Taste Testers

Billy the Border Collie
Billy's older sister, Suki

Regular Taste Testers

Lizey from Sydney
Sam from Sydney
Peanut from Sydney
Jhett from Sydney
Charli from Sydney

Oscar from Sydney

Ruby from Sydney

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Doggie Recipe: Cheesy Pumpkin Bones

Billy's Review:   These biscuits don't look as pretty but I jump up for them and want more!  So does my sister Suki.  Got to give them the doggie thumbs up (or paws up?)!

All Biscuit Billy biscuits are made from the finest human-grade, dog-friendly ingredients. Vet approved.


1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 cup cheddar cheese
1 light sprinkle of garlic flakes (not too much!!)
2 eggs
2 tablespoons low fat dry milk powder
2 1/2 cups of wholemeal flour (I use organic)
1/2 teaspoon salt
Add some fresh or dried parsley if you have some
Water to mix 


Preheat oven to 175/350 degrees. 

Mix together the pumpkin puree and eggs.  Then add remaining ingredients.
Add enough water to bring to a dough.  Roll out and cut into required shapes.
Bake 20 minutes one side.  Then turn the biscuits over and bake another 20 minutes.

Makes one large tray of biscuits, depending on cutter size.
Let us know what your dog thinks!